A video was leaked out at some point last year displaying an iPhone with a curved, flexible glass panel, however, as we all are aware, the iPhone 6 turned out to be a “regular” phone. According to a new report by Business Korea indicates that it looks like that Apple has not given up plans for such a curved iPhone. It’s just that it is planning to release it in the market a little later than the expected time. It looks like Apple is allegedly looking to transfer its flagship product lineup to one taking advantage of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays in order to solve current problems with accuracy and color saturation, say sources inside the supply chain of Apple. Currently, Apple is using such OLED panels only on the Apple Watch that are provided by Samsung and LG Display; however, these things may change in future. Before Apple can put OLED displays on its next-gen iPhone, it will have to wait for its partners to resolve the underlying issues caused due to problems in the execution process. This might take up to 3 years before the flexible screens are ready for prime time, according to the current report. A flexible iPhone would blow the minds of mobile freaks away, say the insider source, as this technology has not been used by Apple in its phone lineup before. It would definitely bring a big change from the usual models that Cupertino is currently selling. All this information provided should be taken with a pinch of salt, especially since this rumor is trying to anticipate the future of the company three years from now with a lot of things that may change during this period. Presently, Apple is readying the two models, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus that are expected to come with better resolutions (or maybe not), 2GB of RAM, a new A9 processor and iOS 9 out of the box. The phones should also be solidly built, making use of the same 7000 series aluminum that was used in the manufacturing of the Apple Watch Sport.