We have the latest news brought to you directly from Foxconn factories. A leak from the Foxconn factories sourced by PriceRaja, shows that the iPhone 7 Plus will have 12MP dual cameras on the back. Remember, the images are directly from Apple’s top supplier and are said to be taken during an in-house symposium at contract manufacturer Foxconn. The image procured by PriceRaja was taken incognito and it doesn’t reveal much but it does show that the iPhone 7 Plus, as the top version of iPhone will be called, will come with a 12MP dual-camera on the back. As noted earlier and proved by this image, the iPhone 7 Plus comes with dual-camera setup, there’s no indication that the iPhone 7 will also have this feature. Another peculiar take away from the Foxconn image is that the iPhone 7 Plus has a new location for antenna lines. It seems that Apple will now include the antenna lines on the side of the phone and just under each corner. In addition, the iPhone 7 Plus will run iOS 10 pre-installed. Earlier rumors indicated that Apple’s latest iPhone iteration would be featuring wireless charging support, but Foxconn’s image doesn’t hint at a Smart Connector on the back of the phone. However, it is confirmed now that  iPhone 7 will come in a blue color or a Space Gray color, aside from the fact that it’s expected to come in multiple variants with different storage options, like 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB.