Malware discovery dedicated website, Malwarebytes has discovered a fake Steam Community URL, steamccommynity(.)com. The website, Malwarebytes says, replicates the Razer Comms website and offers phishing links masquerading as click-throughs to various in-game items for Steam users. Malwarebytes notes that the website is not quite done as of yet and contains a lot of errors, which is why it has failed in its spyware mission. Malwarebytes said that the malware on the website  is similar to a file associated with password theft on VirusTotal. The website also contains some sort of “Steam Fishing Tools.” Malwarebytes traced the malware authors back to a Russian gaming portal.  This gaming portal offers a whole host of hacking services to users and  includes “downloading all logs in the temp txt file,” “issuing additional accounts for the spammer,” “fake geolocation,” “selection of languages,” “ban protection” in relation to using Google Chrome and the potential for “Kriptovat virus.” The gaming portal is also quite expensive, the Russian hacking gang demands upto 1,000 WMR per week for their services, or 3,500 for a month. WMR according to Russian Wiki page is some sort of exchange medium over the Internet. Boyd has stated that gaming offer a nice click bait for the malware handlers/authors as the gamers community is spread far and wide. If you are a gamer, stay off the untrusted pages or links offering something for free.

Fake Voice Chat Website for Steam Gaming Serves Up Spyware - 99