The end product videos called ‘Riffs’ can also be shared through Facebook or directly on the web. Josh Miller, Product Manager at Facebook says that, “Recently, a few Facebook employees stayed after-hours to work on a side project. Our hunch was that if you could make videos collaboratively, the creative process would be more fun and the final product would be cooler. Today, we are introducing Riff, a creative tool to make videos with friends.” After installation, users can suggest any subject under the Sun and record a video of up to 20 seconds. After uploading the video, his/her friends can view the clip and make/add their own version thus converting the clips in a huge video. The App offers fast forward option so users can skip through known content. Miller told TechCrunch that Riff was inspired by the viral spread of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014, where millions around the world soaked themselves with iced water to raise money for charity. He also added that, in that scenario, ice-soaked people challenged three friends to take up the challenge at the end of their videos which led to massive viral growth. Uploading on Riff requires some basic rules to followed like a user will get only a 3-2-1 countdown for approval and posting of video. Videos have to be shot from within the App and cannot be imported from the Gallery/SD card.  The original video creator can delete his/her videos from the chain any time. Riff does not support multi-shot recording or editing features like Instagram, neither does it support user comments or ‘likes’ At present Riff will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese and Polish. Riffs can also be shared online via emails as well as through social media networks given in the App. Interested, download the app for your iPhone/iPad from Apple Store and Android smartphone and tablet owners can download it from Google Play. Facebook said it has no plans to monetize the App as of now. Meerkat, Twitter’s live video streaming app Periscope and Snapchat’s “Our Stories” are some of the other video sharing Apps available to users.