Anonymous released 9,200 ISIS supporter Twitter ids in an effort to get them banned by Twitter; Allege Facebook is partial to the ISISFacebook pro ISIS?

The list was released under the operation #OpISIS campaign which was launched by Anonymous earlier this year after the gruesome killings at Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. The Anonymous have so far successfully brought down many websites stating affiliation to the ISIS or IS and released Twitter, email VPN account details belonging to them. The current list which contains 9200 Twitter accounts has been posted here and has been collated by @xrsone with the help of GhostSec and Ctrlsec hacker groups.

— (John Chase) (@xrsone) March 15, 2015 The Anonymous said that the list has been published so that Twitter can suspend these accounts for promoting hatred and terrorism online.  Speaking to IBTimes, a member of the Anonymous who is involved with the #OpISIS stated that,

Facebook pro ISIS?

The Anonymous have also alleged that Facebook is taking sides in the ISIS clampdown. They have posted a video on YouTube alleging that Facebook apparently took down a pro Anonymous and anti-ISIS page called Cyber Brain. The Anonymous allege that this page which had 30k likes was a naming and shaming fora for posting details of pro ISIS website, Twitter, Facebook accounts and email ids so that Anonymous could take action against them. However according to Anonymous, Facebook sided with the ISIS and took down this page. Watch the video below :